
Autograph this baseball, Jackie

whose roundness is like the grief of the centuries

that old amalgam of clay and sorrow

that cottony whiteness coursing in the blood.

Autograph this bat, Jackie Roosevelt Robinson

with the initials of your Mandinga people 

imprint it with the mask worn at a rite in Nigeria 

inscribe it with the flame of Zulu fires.

Lend me your uniform to put on as I play my game 

so I can run the bases wearing your smile

I want to be the gazelle,

the gruff antelope,

the nocturnal jaguar,

the feathered serpent.

Let me step into your old Dodgers footwear

to trim the grass for Langston and Whitman 

escape into the woods looking for the heart

you brought with you from Africa to Georgia. 

Autograph that baseball, Jackie.

Hurl it into the endless stadium of the night

only sign your name among the others

if only one child finds it that will be enough for me.

César Sánchez Beras

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